What a day, today was 11 meetings including Ireland.
We had 6 lay bets and all 6 lost the race and we won all the bets for our selection service, IRIS Pro Lays.
What I would like to share with you all is, that today I broke a new record for one days laying/trading .....
As you all know I trade for a living and today I placed 35 lay trades/bets and all 35 lost the race and I won all the bets and all bets 10-1 and below, what fantastic day, I hope that this type of success continues into 2008 and that new records are made.
I will do my best to improve on the IRIS Pro Lays services to continue growing and becoming more profitable and hopefully breaking and setting new profitable records as well.
For those of view wondering why I did not place all the selections on the IRIS Pro Lay service is because some of the systems and methods I use require last minute data just before the race starts in order to make a final decisions on the selections and it makes it impossible for me to give the selections out ..... maybe one day I will come up with a live facility where I give selection live online, maybe that will work, similar to MSN Messenger ...
Anyway, lets hope that the rest of 2007 continues successful, and end with and nice profit and that 2008 will be an even more profitable year and breaking and setting new records as well ...
IRIS Pro Lays
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
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